Dragon’s Breath Forge Chisels


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CHXXX-000-2337-00-NA1 × 1 × 3.5 in

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CHXXX-000-2338-00-NA1 × 1 × 4.5 in

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Introducing our premium graded chisel sets, handcrafted by renowned blacksmith Matt Parkinson of Dragon’s Breath Forge.

Designed for professionals and beginners alike, these chisels allow for quick and precise hardness testing of knives, available in sets of 4 chisels with the range of 58-64HRC, or 8 chisels with the range of 50-64 HRC .
Each chisel is hardened to a specific hardness by a Aerospace ISO9001 certified heat treated; these chisels offer durability, re-sharpening capability, and unmatched accuracy.
These Chisels work like the Files that have long been on the market. Unlike the files that have a 5 or 10 point resolution, the 2HRC difference between chisels gives a 1-2 point resolution and they can be re-sharpened indefinitely on any oil or water stone to restore accuracy.
Unlike traditional Diamond point Hardness testers that can only test parallel flats accurately, these chisels can be used on any part of a knife. Checking the hardness on a knife with a Hamon at the edge and at the spine is now possible.
Use is a simple matter of what is harder – the chisel or the work; Scratch testing is not recommended as surface hardness is many times much softer than the material itself. Essentially, each chisel can be harder (cuts the test material), softer (can’t cut the material and “skates” ), or the same by trying the chisel above and below the suspected hardness the true hardness can be found. These work very well with simple carbon steels and lower allow stainless . Higher alloy steels can be trickier to read accurately due to larger percentage of carbides.
Use to ensure that heat treat has reached target hardness after quench. Then after temper to ensure temper is correct. Check that the riccoso is softened enough to file after drawing with a torch without dulling a file. Check for loss of hardness after an overheating “oops” on the grinder. The uses you will find for these will be invaluable and they will easily last a lifetime with care.

Elevate your craftsmanship with our precision tools—a testament to quality and expertise.


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